The Family Stallone

The Family Stallone is an American reality television series that premiered on Paramount+ on May 17, 2023. The series follows the lives of actor Sylvester Stallone, his wife Jennifer Flavin, and their three daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet.
Sylvester Stallone,
Sylvester Stallone, The Family Stallone Tv Series

The show has been praised for its heartwarming portrayal of a close-knit family. However, some critics have argued that the show is too staged and that it doesn’t offer a realistic glimpse into the lives of celebrities.

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Here are some reviews of the show:

“The Family Stallone is a heartwarming and entertaining look at a Hollywood family.” – The Hollywood Reporter
“The show is a bit too staged for my taste, but I still found it to be enjoyable.” – Variety
“The Family Stallone is a must-watch for any fan of Sylvester Stallone or his family.” – People
The Family Stallone has been renewed for a second season.

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